Hi All
We're on latest version of F&O and working on automated tests. RSAT just doesn't cut it for us right now. Main reasons are lack of data driven testing (can do with Powershell, but not good-I know it's due in v2.8 too) and the lack of advanced features like conditional branching, negative tests, etc.
Looking at LeapWorks, which I think is an awesome product, but the recorder way too difficult for our BA's: requires XPath and CSS knowledge
Looked at executive automats, but it can't do the particular data driven tests we want and it's pretty pricey. Also, when replacing an Excel file for data driven tests you have to remove ref all steps, add new excel and then re-add all the refs.
Wondered if anyone has successfully implemented any alternative to RSAT, that is no-code/low-code (my BA's need to be able to use it) and has good data driven tests and advanced features