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Modified by "SYSTEM" when portal user makes changes to a record on portal

Posted on by 35


I am configuring Dynamics 365 portal and I would like to configure a workflow, that triggers and sends email only when changes are made by portal user (contact) on entity form (on portal). 

When portal contact changes field values on entity form (on portal), value of the field "Modified by" is SYSTEM - as if SYSTEM user modified the record.

I wanted to use a condition in my workflow --> if modifiedby equals SYSTEM, then send email. When I try to use SYSTEM user, this user does not appear in "Look Up Records" window - as if the user does not exist.


My questions are:

How can I access this user to use it as a condition in my workflow (I need to send an email only if portal contact made changes to the record on portal). Did anyone else face similar problems and how did you solve it? 


Is there any other way to distinguish who made changes to the record (CRM user or Portal contact user)


Thank you! 



  • Suggested answer
    oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 4,052 on at
    RE: Modified by "SYSTEM" when portal user makes changes to a record on portal

    if you need to have an audit for created by / modified by the contact record you can follow this post:

    but I believe you can achieve your need with something more simple, all you need is to know when there was a change on your record via the Portal, for that you can create an "Entity Form Metadata" record, and setup the "Set Value on Save" option, this way you can change a value in your record and trigger your Workflow

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