Add an entity to global search
1.) Go to Settings > Administration > System Settings.
2.) From the General tab, scroll down to Select entities for Categorized Search and click Select.
The available entities are on the left. This includes custom entities, so if you add any custom entities to the system, you can add them to the global search by following these instructions.
3.) Select the entity you wish to add and click Add, then click OK.
So for my example, I’ll select Order, click add, make sure Order moves over to selected entities, and then click OK.
4.) Confirm your new System Settings by clicking OK.
Add a field to global search
Now that we’ve added an entity to the global search, the next step is to specify the fields in the entity that will be included in global search.
1.) Go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.
2.) Go to Entities, select the entity you added, and then click View.
3.) Select the Quick Find View.
4.) Click Add Find Columns.
5.) Mark the check box next to any fields you want to search by.
6.) Click Save and Close, and then Publish All Customizations.