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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...

GDPdU Export D365FO - German Audit File

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Guten Morgen Community,

bei einem meiner Kunden haben wir den GDPdU Export eingerichtet und ausgeführt.

Das Problem ist nun, dass in den .txt Exportdateien bei den Sachkontobuchungen die Belege nur für ein Sachkonto ausgegeben werden - die Gegenbuchung(en) fehlen offensichtlich gänzlich.

Beispiel: Buchung Beleg 4711 von Sachkonto 8000 an 8001 über EUR 1000

Ausgabe in .txt nur Sachkonto 8000 EUR 1000 Belegnr. 4711, der Beleg für das Sachkonto 8001 über EUR -1000 mit der Belegnummer 4711 fehlt.

Haben schon andere Erfahrungen mit dem Export bzw. dem Einlesen von GDPdU (German Audit File) Dateien?

Beim Ermitteln der Sachkontensalden mit PowerBI gab es am Ende irrwitzige Daten und als Prüfsumme keine EUR 0,00. Die Datei ging nicht auf.

Hilfe, kennt sich hier jemand aus?


Beste Grüße


  • Verified answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: GDPdU Export D365FO - German Audit File

    Hello Nicole,

    I remember that there was an issue in D365FO but that was related to an old version.

    I copied the details from LCS here:

    Issue 292367

    When using the Data Export (GDPdU) for Ledger Account, only the last line of the Voucher will be exported

    The issue was fixed end of February 2019.

    If you are running the most recent D365FO system version and follow the one-version updates then this error should not show up again.

    If it does, follow these instructions:

    To resolve the issue, you need to import the following or a higher version of the ER configurations from LCS shared asset library:

    •        Data export model.version.6

    •        German audit file output.version.6.7

    Fix downloading instructions are here:

    Best regards, 


  • Kuhn Profile Picture
    Kuhn 60 on at
    RE: GDPdU Export D365FO - German Audit File

    Hi Ludwig,

    thanks for your quick answer.

    I have the following problem:

    in a journal I posted account no. 8000 with EUR 1000 and offset account 8001 (voucher no. 4711).

    In the table ledgertrans in 2009 I have created two lines for that voucher and they were both exported via German Audit file.

    In D365FO I have the same voucher with the same accounts. With German Audit file Export there is only one line exported: for account no. 8000.

    Have you tested / analyzed the .txt file that was created with ER German Audit file export? Maybe just for one day to get less data?

    Kind regards


  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: GDPdU Export D365FO - German Audit File

    Hi Nicole,

    Please translate your question into English language otherwise, we will get complaints from other community members who face similar issues or who could also make some contributions.

    About your issue:

    Account transactions are exported in a way that only the transactions for the individual accounts are exported.

    The offset account transactions are not exported in the way you describe.

    That is often not possible because many transactions create so-called split postings where you have 5 accounts on the debit side and 10 accounts on the credit side.

    Production related postings are a good example for that.

    Do you have a special request from your auditors who cannot read the exported GDPDU files?

    My experience is that they can import and audit the files that D365FO generates.

    Sometimes you need to extend what the standard configuration exports.

    This can be achieved without coding.

    An example can be found here:

    Hope that answers your questions.

    Best regards,


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