Hello all,
This is actually continuing of my recent thread -> https://community.dynamics.com/crm/f/microsoft-dynamics-crm-forum/430042/open-create-form-and-save-instantly
While the script is working, the form did open and save at the same time, I also have another script to defaulting the company, and I put this company field in that same section of the Embed canvas app, right below it. When my canvas app opened, I also see that field company, in the original table's form (so it is outside my canvas app).
Weird is although it may look like the record is saved. I even already got the ID since this is ID field is auto numbering, it is proved me enough that this new record did saved. But the company field, which is in that form is filled in already, it is NOT saved.. When I look back at the Data tab of that table, this company field is still empty.
So what is actually being showed in that company field then ? why it is not saved, is there any ordering with the script if it has more than 1 script ? so is it maybe, the script of saving new record happened before my Default company script ran ?
Please advice,