Hi All,
I hope you are having a safe and amazing day. I have a requirement where I need to query the data from user created entities. Currently I am unable to do so and running into an error. It is working for all other entity types like Activities, Intelligence and System via GetEntityByODataQuery.
It is just not possible or do I need to change some settings ?. It says entity data not found and exception culprit as user in the HTTP response. Please help me with this.
Here's the response I get when I try
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found api-supported-versions: 2018-10-01 content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 date: Wed, 05 May 2021 04:52:30 GMT transfer-encoding: chunked x-content-type-options: nosniff x-ms-request-id: c09dfdb9-d79a-47d6-8cba-b32e5c3adeaa { "httpStatusCode": "notFound", "exceptionCulprit": "User", "errorCode": "EntityDataNotFound", "resultSeverity": "Error", "message": "Entity Data not found.", "params": { "InstanceId": "615ccecc-19dc-472c-9408-8b82xxxxxxxx", "EntityName": "CustomerLoyalty" } }
Correct, going to the source would be your only option. I am curious to know what your use case is? Is there a reason that simply getting the unified customer profile with all the fields in it is not an option for you?
Oh alright. That makes sense. But right now, we performed some joins and modified with power query in CI. It would make the flow much easier if we can access those entities as well. So for now going back to the source data is the only option then I presume.
Ah, ok, I think I understand. Those are not available as they aren't necessarily going to exist in the CI Data Lake. If you bring in the data using "Connect to CDM" or "Connect to CDS" option when bringing in the data then we don't copy the data into the CI Data Lake. You also should have access to these directly from the same source that CI is getting them from.
Yes, in that list the Entities are further categorized into Activities, Intelligence, Measures, Profiles, Segments, User ( I am trying to fetch the ones listed here) correct ?.
All others are created based on the actions we perform like Unification, Creating a new segment or measure. But the ones under the User are automatically created whenever we add a new data source under the Data sources section. So I am able to get the data from all entity types using the API except the ones under user.
Ah, that explains it. There is no entity "User", the unified profile entity is called "Customer". That is why you get a 404 Not Found error because it doesn't exist. You can get the name of the entities within the web interface by going to Data -> Entities in the left hand menu. In the list you will see the Name column, which you can use with the API.
Hey John,
I am using this HTTP GET request to get the entity data.
GET api.ci.ai.dynamics.com/.../{relativePath} HTTP/1.1
the relative path is the entity name correct ?. It is working for all other entity types like Unified, Intelligence, Measures, System except User.
TL;DR I want to fetch the data from the entity that got created from my uploaded data sources as I have performed joins between different tables and ran power queries in CI.
What is the query you are making?
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