RE: Dynamic event information fields in marketing emails
Hey Renée,
I'm one of the PMs on the Event Management product, and am acutely aware that this is an issue. Emails that are contextual (contain the information based on the context of "WHY" they are being sent (like an event reg confirmation email) - are important for event planners, and these will become much easier to deliver with our upcoming changes that we announced at Ignite (you can read more here - )
Meanwhile, we have recommended that users create a customer journey per event, or, as you've already observed - add the event information to the event registration record as well.
A workaround some customers have done is that they have extended the "Content Settings" entity. They have added relevant fields to the content settings entity (like Event Name). When a new event is created, they create the relevant content settings record as well.
Then, they create multiple journeys (one journey per event) - but they use the same emails across all journeys. When showing the content in the email - they personalize using the content setting dynamic personalization (E.g. Thank you for registering for {{contentsettings.eventName}} ). When the journey is created, they just associate the correct content settings record to the journey.
This essentially saves them from recreating the same email again and again for different events (but they still have to create the same journey multiple times, and set the content settings correctly).
The right way to solve this problem would be to have a single journey, and a single email - that a contact can go through multiple times - and it should work correctly across all your events. That will be possible with the real time marketing features that we have announced. We're excited to get these new capabilities in your hands asap.
Thanks for your patience,