I've been able to connect to my external SQL database, which is on a completely different server. I've followed the documentation and searched a lot online for the same problem but haven't found anything, that's why I'm posting this question.
Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics-nav/external-tables
I've made a seperate table in the database to test this, which only contains one column named "Number", which is an INTEGER.
I've also made a companion table like so:
table 50125 Dynamics365TestTable //Already the name of the ExternalSQL table { TableType = ExternalSQL; ExternalSchema = 'dbo'; fields { field(1; Number; Integer) //Already the name of the ExternalSQL column { } } keys { key(PK; Number) { } } }
After this I made a list page to display the data:
page 50121 "Data List" { PageType = List; SourceTable = Dynamics365TestTable; layout { area(content) { repeater(Group) { field(Number; Number) { ApplicationArea = All; } } } } trigger OnInit(); //Replaced actual IP and password with <FillInHere> begin if HasTableConnection(TableConnectionType::ExternalSQL, 'MDBC') then UnregisterTableConnection(TableConnectionType::ExternalSQL, 'MDBC'); RegisterTableConnection(TableConnectionType::ExternalSQL, 'MDBC', 'data source=<DatabaseIP>;initial catalog=Pod_Demo;user id=sa;password=<password>;'); SetDefaultTableConnection(TableConnectionType::ExternalSQL, 'MDBC', false); end; }
TI am able to connect to the database, since it first gave me an error saying the database isn't registered, because I used a different IP. I fixed this, and now it gives me this error:
Invalid Object name
Statement(s) could not be prepared.
The funky numbers behind the ($) operator of course being the application ID.
In SSMS doing: "SELECT * FROM Pod_Demo.dbo.Dynamics365TestTable" would give me the data.
Does anybody have any idea how to fix this or at least could point me in some direction?
Thanks in advance.