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GL foreign currency revaluation not calculating deltas

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We are regularly running GL foreign currency revaluation on balance sheet accounts. During the previous year, everything was working as expected and as described in the documentation: Foreign currency revaluation for General ledger - Finance | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
Most notably, this part: In General ledger, the previous revaluation is not reversed. Instead, a transaction is created for the delta between the balance of the main account, including any previous revaluation amounts, and the new value based on the exchange rate for the Date of Rate.
However, starting from this year, GL foreign currency revaluation is NOT creating the transactions for the delta. Instead, it keeps posting the new value based on the exchange rate for the Date of Rate.
Posting dateAmount in CZKExchange rate CZK/EURAmount in EURExpected currency revaluation amountActual currency revaluation amount that is postedDescription
31.12.2022.10024,19108244154,13--Original transaction
31.1.2023.10023,80186594554,200,070,07currency revaluation
28.2.2023.10023,65263944354,230,030,10currency revaluation
31.3.2023.10023,57399132074,240,010,11currency revaluation
When I run the simulation (Preview before posting), the /Last revalued amount/ that is showing is the original amount from the opening balance, not the last revalued amount.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this issue, or what to check? I cannot reproduce it in our test environment, but in the production environment it's consistently happening, across multiple companies, currencies, GL accounts, even different charts of accounts.
I have also reported this to Microsoft but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask the community, as well.
  • KG-10020920-0 Profile Picture
    KG-10020920-0 2 on at
    GL foreign currency revaluation not calculating deltas
    Do you have any update on this issue?
    Did Microsoft come back with a response on this matter?

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