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Error Message in Marketing Form

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Hello everyone,

i have a Marketing form and i need to change the display error message see Picture.

my form : 2020_2D00_12_2D00_23-16_5F00_28_5F00_21_2D00_Newsletter-abonnieren-_5F00_-Digital_2D00_Kompass.png

and i want That my error message be like This:2020_2D00_12_2D00_23-16_5F00_28_5F00_59_2D00_Kontakt-_5F00_-Digital_2D00_Kompass.png

here is my Code

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  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Error Message in Marketing Form

    Hi hedi,

    It seems that the form tag is already placed in source code, if so, please change code inside the script tag to the following:

    const form = document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0];
    const errorDiv = document.createElement("div");
    const closeButton = document.createElement("span");
    closeButton.setAttribute("id", "close");
    closeButton.innerText = "x";
    form.parentNode.insertBefore(errorDiv, form);
    document.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
        if ( && == "close") {
    addEvent(form, "submit", function () {
        const requiredFields = document.getElementsByClassName("is-required");
        const isValid = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < requiredFields.length; i  ) {
            if (requiredFields[i].value === "") {
                if (requiredFields[i].parentNode.querySelector("label") !== null) {
                    var fieldName = requiredFields[i].parentNode.querySelector("label").innerText;
                    addErrorMessage(i, fieldName);
                    isValid[i] = false;
            } else {
                isValid[i] = true;
        if (isValid.every((bool) => bool) === false) {
            return false;
        } else {
            // Pass validation
            return true;
    function addErrorMessage(index, name) {
        const errorMsg = document.getElementById("error-"   index);
        if (errorMsg === null) {
            errorDiv.innerHTML  = "

    " name "is required.

    "; } } function clearErrorMessage(index) { const errorMsg = document.getElementById("error-" index); if (errorMsg !== null) { errorMsg.remove(); } } function addEvent(element, event, callback) { let previousEventCallBack = element["on" event]; element["on" event] = function (e) { const output = callback(e); if (output === false) return false; if (typeof previousEventCallBack === "function") { output = previousEventCallBack(e); if (output === false) return false; } }; }



  • Hedi bn Profile Picture
    Hedi bn 235 on at
    RE: Error Message in Marketing Form

    Hi cloflyMao Thank u very much for your answer.

    i tried to do your Solution but it still not working can u give me mor Info

    I Modify my Code like this i add the class is-required j´for the Email Text.


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  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Error Message in Marketing Form

    Hi Hedi,

    We need to write code to achieve custom form validator, here is my sample based on your description and requirement.

    1. In source code of marketing form, add "is-required" as extra class name to input elements that you want to apply custom validator with.  


    2. Add following code to source code of corresponding marketing page.(You can put it after end tag of body.)


    (I add custom validator to Last Name and Email)

    1: Leave both of fields value empty


    2 Leave Email field empty


    3. Leave Last Name empty


    Submission will success if both of required fields are filled with data.


    Extend marketing forms using code (Dynamics 365 Marketing Developer Guide) | Microsoft Docs

    Client-side form validation - Learn web development | MDN (



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