RE: Email to Case stuck in Queue if the email subject line is the same
Hi JoeyLP,
Through my test, the email with same subject can create new case successfully.

Have you check the condition of the Automatic Record Creation and Update Rule, the second email meet it or not?
Based on your screenshot, the second email appear in the timeline of the case from first email, and first email is one replied email, right?
If so, it means that two emails were judged to be part of the conversation, Replies and Forwards of an email that is part of a tracked conversation in Dynamics 365 generally.
It will automatically track replies and forward because it identifies the ConversationIndex and In-Reply-To values as an email that is part of a thread.
An administrator can change the OrgDbOrgSetting to, IgnoreConversationIndexAndInReplyToForCorrelation, which changes the functionality when Use correlation to track email conversations is the only selected email correlation option. However, if tracking token or smart matching is enabled, it will still track based on those correlation methods.
So you may uncheck 'tracking token' option and change OrgDbOrgSetting :
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