I have a single batch of 100 pieces for a Warehouse management enabled item. I created one sales order and reserved all the 100 pieces. On Load planning work bench, I created 5 loads of 20,10, 15, 5 10 and 40. From Load planning work bench, I released each load individually to Warehouse and completed the work.
I then, selected loads of qty 20 and 5 pieces together and tried to print the packing slip. On the packing slip posting form, I could see 2 lines of 20 and 5 pieces under Lines tab.
When I clicked OK to generate the packing slip, AX generated packing slip for only the first line.
I was expecting that AX will create separate packing slips for all the lines in the packing slip posting form.
I run AX on AX2012 - R3 CU10.
Please let me know if I am missing some configuration ?
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