Our customer is asking to setup Terms of payment as per posted date of invoice. Example: if invoice posted on or before 22nd of the month, due date should be 5th of the next month. And, if invoice posting date is 23rd or later during the month then invoice due date should be 5th of the second month. (it means, if I'm posting a invoice on 8th January, due date for this invoice is 05th Feb. And, if I'm posting invoice on 26th January then due date to be calculated as 05th March).
Is there any way we can configure the above scenario in D365FO for Accounts Receivable module. I have tried multiple ways using different configuration of Payment day (available in Terms of payment), sometimes tried to use the combination of Payment schedule and Payment day (with in terms of payment) but no luck yet!
Requesting your input on the above problem statement please.
Conditional Terms of Payment based on Invoice Posting date in D365FO
Hi Arnab,
The terms of payment option 'cutoff' together with a payment date come close but do not fully support your requirement. There is a public sector feature that can calculate with additional months, maybe that would fullly cover your scenario, but I haven't tested it myself. You can read more about this cutoff and the additonal month here: What about some specific fields in the Terms of payment in D365FO (or AX)? (linkedin.com)
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