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Landed Cost - Auto Cost - Duty on cost insurance and freight value

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Hello experts:

I have this scenario and I don't know how can i get a good solution. Let me share information about it


Operational definitions

In a Purchase Order you can include two or more Royalties. The relationship is one-to-one between royalty and product.

In a Purchase Order you can include two or more Duties. The relationship es one-to-one between duty and product.

For costing of freight is between total volume per product

Duty is calculated: % Total Amount of Purchase Order Line + % Freight Amount of Purchase Order Line + % Insurance Amount + %Royalty Amount of Purchase Order Line


Curren situation

Currently there is no relationship between /linked cost type/ and differents cost areas: voyage, container, purchase order line, folio, item. I can´t use /linked cost type/.

I used cost area with item and I get an error with 0.20 per 1000 EUR in volum for freigth

If I use area cost with item, I should have put all items with specific settings: freight, duty, royalty, and assurance. Therefore are 4 configuration per item (freight, duty, royalty, and assurance)

If I use area cost with item and in line of Auto cost, take category volume does not use volume, is weight, therefore is not volume.


Could you give me ideas how can i get those configurations?



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