It seems that I am not able to set the Main Form for an entity in my Model Driven App,
So I have two entities
Entity1 and Entity2
Entity1 contains a lookup for Entity2 and there is a 1 to N relationship between the two.
For Entity2 I have two main forms:
- Information: Is (should be) the default one and is used to crate or edit the Entity2 records.
- History: Is a form containing a subgrid of related Entity1 records.
When in the Entity1 form I have a button that should be able to call the second Entity2 form using
This seems to be working, however when I access the Entity2 from the SItemap and try to access the main form, I always get the second form.
I tried to ensure the forms are in the correct order from Entity -> Forms -> Forms Order and indeed, the first one is the Information form. I even tried removing the Form from the list of forms in the App Designer and I am still getting the History form as default when working on the app.
tried opening new browsers to exclude session issues.
what is going on?