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Load consolidation settings in WAX

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With the current configuration of my system, when a sales order is released to the warehouse, the wave is automatically executed, the shipment is created and a load is created. I am looking to automatically consolidate these loads if they are going to the same customer. 

For example, if I release SO #1 for Customer A, Load Y is created. Currently, if I release SO #2, also for Customer A, Load is created. I am looking for the system to automatically combine loads Y and Z because they are going to the same customer. Is there any way to do this that is native to the system?

Thanks for any help you can provide!

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  • AXCEN Profile Picture
    AXCEN 75 on at
    RE: Load consolidation settings in WAX


    My loads get created atomically but I want to consolidate different loads (Sales Orders and Transfer Orders) together will I need to setup a Hub or is there any other suggestions?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Load consolidation settings in WAX

    Hi Cole,

    You can try to release orders for same customer after enabling the "Consolidate shipments at release to warehouse" on the warehouse tab as indicated in the screenshot below.



    Abhishek Tewary

  • Suggested answer
    Sagar Suman Profile Picture
    Sagar Suman 5,941 on at
    RE: Load consolidation settings in WAX

    Hi ColeCW,

    Yes it is possible to achieve the same in native system.

    There are in fact two ways you can do it.

    1- Using release to warehouse form

    2- Using load planning workbench

    1- Using release to warehouse form - You can use the release to warehouse form to club all the sales orders for the same customer and release them all at once to generate one work, one shipment and one load for them.

    Navigate to release to warehouse form and select all the sales order you want to club in one load and click "Add". This will bring all selected sales order to bottom pane of release to warehouse. Now click "release to warehouse" to release all these sales order in one load. Note you will also get one work and one shipment.

    Kindly make sure "Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse" is checked to yes in the warehouse master.

    2- Using load planning work bench - You can use the load planning workbench also to achieve the same. Click on load planning workbench from any of the sales order and click "entire order to new load" in the action pane to add it to a new load now manually add all other sales order for the same customer to the same load by clicking "entire order to existing load". This will make sure that all the sales order for same customer are now in one load.

    Now in the load planning workbench itself select the load and click "release to warehouse". This will release the load of the warehouse and will generate one work and one shipment for all the loads and sales orders.

    Kindly make sure "Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse" is checked to yes in the warehouse master.

    You by this way you can have a consolidated load for multiple sales order going to same customer. This also allows workers to process only one work for entire load instead to processing individual sales order work.

  • Abhinav Profile Picture
    Abhinav 22 on at
    RE: Load consolidation settings in WAX

    Consolidating shipments for multiple customers can be done when you are using TMS as well.


    Hope this helps.


  • Suggested answer
    Ventsislav Tsankov Profile Picture
    Ventsislav Tsankov 830 on at
    RE: Load consolidation settings in WAX

    Hello everybody,

    I have similar issue and I found a workaround to manage it  (I call it workaround bacause it's not quite easy to do it).

    So, I create several SO and release them to warehouse, the wave template is set not to process automatically. All sales lines are queued in one open wave. In this moment, I have shipments created, but not loads.


    Even though, for all sales lines I have load lines created, but with no LoadId (in fact, I have load lines with no load header).


    That is why, I don't see these lines in Load planning workbench and I can't put them in new load. But I can open the shipment form and use the functions "Transfer shipment to new load" & "Transfer shipment to existing load".


    Now I have two different SO for two different customers included in a single Load (that's the objective, when they are to travel with the same truck, right?)

    This is difficult to be done, if you have many shipments, and also has the limitation to not allow you to transfer single shipment line to different loads.

    I am thinking of some customization either in Load planning workbench form, where to "show" sales lines, included in "orphan" load lines (allows you to put lines from one shipment in different loads); either in Maintain shipment form (accessible through Wave form), where to add the existing buttons, which can transfer shipment to new/existing load (basically give no new functionality, but is easier to be done and will allow to transfer multiple shipment at once).

    Do you have any other ideas?



  • Suggested answer
    Mr Brent Profile Picture
    Mr Brent 45 on at
    RE: Load consolidation settings in WAX

    The "Consolidate loads during wave processing" option controls whether or not shipments to the same customer/delivery address should be consolidated onto one load if the load is created during the wave processing step.  To see the impact you would need to turn off automatic creation/processing of waves during release to warehouse.  You would then need to create a wave for 2 separate shipments to the same customer/delivery address and add them to the new wave.  Process the wave and you’ll see that one load is generated if you have the "Consolidate loads during wave processing" option marked.  Two loads are generated if it isn’t marked.

    I was surprised that the “Consolidate loads during wave processing” feature requires the multiple source (sales order) lines we intend to consolidate into a single load to all have the same delivery address.   I would have thought the “Consolidate shipment at release to warehouse” parameter that lives against the warehouse would overlap this, making these multiple source lines into a single shipment.   This did not happen for me, I still get multiple shipments per source line (I’m not particularly concerned with that at the moment).







    One of the first things I recall from some of the pre- RTM testing/training sessions in Redmond are the definitions of what are a Load and what are a Shipment in AX.  In the Warehouse implementation guide:


    To ship sales order details, Warehouse Management for Microsoft Dynamics AX creates shipments and loads.

    A shipment can be one or multiple sales orders going to the same destination. A shipment is a group of sales orders for the same

    customer or for the same destination.


    A load is a group of sales orders grouped together and typically going out on a single truck, rail car, or other mode of delivery.

    A load can have one or many shipments, and a shipment can have one or many sales orders.



    For me, the way that the “Consolidate loads during wave processing parameter” works, in that it requires the delivery address be the same for each SO line, is not in line with these definitions. 



    From the load planning workbench, we can post the packing slip by load, so if I need to have many loads for many delivery addresses this is not a good way for us to post those packing slips.  It would be good to be able to post packing slips for everything on the outbound truck, (single load, multiple shipments) for example.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Load consolidation settings in WAX

    Hi Andre,

    I am using AX2012R3 (WMS/TMS). I want to consolidate load. I have set the parameter in warehouse management parameter-->Consolidate Load during Wave processing. But while wave processing,load is not consolidating automatically. Can you please guide me how to go ahead for load consolidation or any other setup is required.

    Thanks & Regards


  • Rob Hensley Profile Picture
    Rob Hensley on at
    RE: Load consolidation settings in WAX

    For your first question, that is correct.

    With my settings, Load's can be created manually through the Load Planning Workbench and then those Loads can be release to the warehouse.  When releasing from the Sales Order form, you don't have to have a Load, it will be created during the Wave execution process.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Load consolidation settings in WAX

    Also, according to your current settings (without any automatic load creation), where in the workflow are the loads created? In order for consolidation to occur, do I need to have already created a load or will it consolidate Sales Orders within the batch released into a new load?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Load consolidation settings in WAX

    Thank you that is helpful. Just to confirm, with these configuration settings, everything involving the wave will be completed when I run that batch release to warehouse for Sales Orders, correct?

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