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Dynamics Business Central migration forum
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current permissions prevented the action. (TableData 17 G/L Entry Insert: Base Application

Posted on by 69
Hi guys & gals,
As the question suggests I am trying to import data from an environment to a Sand Box to Test however I am struggling with this error:
Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (TableData 17 G/L Entry Insert: Base Application)
I have SUPER as a permission so why am I getting this and how can I get around it?
I am trying to post GL Entries into a Sandbox.
Thanks in advance
  • Suggested answer
    Saurav.Dhyani Profile Picture
    Saurav.Dhyani 14,613 User Group Leader on at
    current permissions prevented the action. (TableData 17 G/L Entry Insert: Base Application
    Is your issue fixed?
    Saurav Dhyani
  • Suggested answer
    Saurav.Dhyani Profile Picture
    Saurav.Dhyani 14,613 User Group Leader on at
    current permissions prevented the action. (TableData 17 G/L Entry Insert: Base Application
    You are not allowed to directly be importing into any ledger entries.
    For General ledger you need to create Gen. Journal Lines and then post it. As a result of it General ledger Entries to be created.
    Saurav Dhyani

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