RE: How do I add a Sponsor photo and Speaker Photo to a Marketing Event?
Hi Stephani,
I believe the clarification about the way how to add photos for speakers and sponsors can be found in this section:
• Speaker images come from each speaker record (not from the related contact record). To upload a speaker image, go to Events > Participants > Speakers and open the relevant speaker record. Then select the existing photo (or generic placeholder) in the heading area of the page to open a dialog where you can upload an image.
• Sponsor images come from each sponsorship record (not from the related account record), which you can edit by working in the event record where the sponsorship applies (found on the Agenda tab, which links to related sponsorship records), or by finding the appropriate sponsorship record under Events > Sponsorship management > Sponsorships. As with speaker images, you can upload an image (such as a logo) to be displayed on the event website by selecting the existing photo (or the generic placeholder) in the heading area of the sponsorship record page.