Hello All,
Our cloud Dynamics 365 CE users are all based across metropolitan and regional areas of NSW, on the southeast coast of Australia. Since Tue 15/12/2020, a small number of home-based users have reported sporadic performance degradation and slow reponsiveness while navigating around and performing some data entry and invoicing tasks in CE.
As background information, the small number of home-based users all have access to 20-55Mbps speeds (download) and do not experience any performance\responsiveness issues accessing other public websites.
Although the health of Dynamics 365 is showing as "Healthy", I would like to know whether anyone also located anywhere in NSW, Australia has also been experiencing sporadic\consistent performance degradation and slow responsiveness while accessing various parts of CE. If you are also experiencing performance degradation and slow responsiveness, could you please let me know which part of NSW (or elsewhere in Australia for that matter) you are based at?
Thank you in advance.