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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Synchronization errors

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I just create new filed in Ledger Journal table  getting below error 

Can any one suggest me on below errors pls :-


Error Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on ().
The SQL database has issued an error.
Info Synchronize database SQL error description: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The object 'I_211TYPENUMIDX' is dependent on column 'JOURNALNUM'.
Error Synchronize database Problems during SQL data dictionary synchronization.
The operation failed.
Info Synchronize database Synchronize failed on 1 table(s)

Error 2:-  Added new field on Agreement table and enable alert rule on field. (error coming when alert getting generated)

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]A column has been specified more than once in



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  • kvnkk Profile Picture
    kvnkk 796 on at
    RE: Synchronization errors

    I too agree with you. This has been implemented by "X" vendor. Recently I have started working with this client and I will not be having idea about product status.

    I am in the process of creating stating with prod back-up will start the troubleshoot the issue .



  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: Synchronization errors

    I have to say that your production deployment process is not in line with MS best practices and I'm not surprised that there are strange problems.

    Please check this white paper about the topic:

    Basically you don't know when the environment was last in a healthy state. This is something that you have to check with each production deployment! And you should deploy modelstore (or at least models), not xpos

    If I were responsible for fixing the environment, I would first copy the databases to another AX instance, so I could try different things without causing more harm in the production. After figuring out how to fix it, I would plan how to use this info to fix the prod environment, too.

    After prod is fixed, I would copy the databases one more time and use the copy environment as a staging environment for prod deployments from then on. And I would start using modelstore delivery for production deployments.

  • kvnkk Profile Picture
    kvnkk 796 on at
    RE: Synchronization errors

    Hi Nikolaos,

    Yes you are correct. May be issue already exist on the table but i didn't noticed.   I have verified the table field Journalnum doesn't have any changes in other layer.(we have only one customized layer that is USR- Production)

    Ref screen :-


    Sync and full compilation done only at the time of Go-Live (Almost 2-year back). 



  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: Synchronization errors

    Maybe this issue was there already before you tried to add the new field? You wrote "As soon as when I am saving the table got the sync error and later deleted field from table even though the issue same."

    When is the last confirmed succesful compile and sync performed in your production environment?

    You should not create new fields manually in production environment. Also xpo deliveries are not recommended since it's almost the same as developing manually in the prod environment.

    The safest deployment method is to use modelstore delivery. That's the only way to know that you have a compilable (and compiled) solution already before starting the deployment.

    Definetely there can be sync errors even with modelstore delivery, but those would be catched in preprod/UAT already, if you are testing there with a copy of production database.

    How to resolve your current issue? The first thing would be to check if there are any changes in JournalNum field (does that field exist in your customization layer?).

  • kvnkk Profile Picture
    kvnkk 796 on at
    RE: Synchronization errors

    Hi Palle Agermark/Nikolaos,

    Issue in Production environment.

    On urgent basis I just added a string field manually in LedgerJournalTable directly in production. (We did it previously in different tables but never faced any issues.)

    As as soon as when I added the string field automatically table got compiled, saved and synchronize and got an error.

    Later I have removed the field from table even though issue is same.( Before performing in PROD  have did it in TestEnvi and everything looks fine then I have done in PROD)

    As per your suggestion I have checked in SqlDictionary and compared with other environment and didn't find any change.

    Table id : 211(LEDGERJOURNALTABLE)

    Field id  : 1(JOURNALNUM)

    Also I have compare ids between SysDictTable and SqlDictionary and no change in field and table ids.

    Note: - Recently we didn't copy any database or model from other environments.( Still we are doing code movement in XPO format not with models) Almost from last three years same database and model.(Only moved customized objects)



  • Suggested answer
    PA-22040759-0 Profile Picture
    PA-22040759-0 6,194 on at
    RE: Synchronization errors

    Nikolaos has good point about how this issue could have come around.

    It sounds like you have an entry in SQLDictionary where your new field has the ID of what should have been the JournalNum field.

    What kind of box is this on; dev, test, prod?

  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: Synchronization errors

    Check SQLDictionary table and compare to the properties of the table/fields that you see in the MorphX IDE.

    Did you by any change import a database into this environment from another environment? If yes, that explains why the ids would be out of sync. In that case you need to copy both databases (business and model). You can copy business database only between environments where object ids are the same.

  • kvnkk Profile Picture
    kvnkk 796 on at
    RE: Synchronization errors

    Yes Palle Agermark. There are chances, But how to check? Any suggestions?? . The new field no more exist in the table but still issue is same.  

    Will AOS restart will solve the issue??

  • PA-22040759-0 Profile Picture
    PA-22040759-0 6,194 on at
    RE: Synchronization errors

    Is there possibly some sort of mismatch in SQLDictionary with field ids between JournalNum and your new field?

  • kvnkk Profile Picture
    kvnkk 796 on at
    RE: Synchronization errors

    Hi Martin,

    I  just created new string field that's it. I didn't do  any change. As soon as when I am saving the table got the sync error and later deleted field from table even though the issue same.

    In test environment there was no issue.

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