Hi, we are currently in the process of implimenting BC from Sage. Can anyone share how they have set up all the VAT tables and reports for VAT return MTD.
I seem to be going in circles with getting the correct setups.
VAT Posting Setup - This is where you need to define all the combinations to make that the correct VAT calculation is applied when either purchasing or selling.
VAT Statement will need to be the same but split into boxes 1 to 9.
For example, row 001 is the sum of rows 020 and 030. These rows are made up of the following:
Row 002 is made up of 090 and 100 which are as below.
The difference from boxes 006 to 009 are as below.
For example box 008 is as below where you specify the base and not amount.
Once the vat statement has been setup you can then follow the steps in the link to setup your vat returns.
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