RE: Show/Hide Reactivate buton on Case form based on user Role
Hi Alaa Ramadan,
Please change code to this to have a try:
// Hide the Activate button and the Deactivate button when user has Salesperson security role
function hideActivateAndDeactivateRibbonButtons() {
// default return value to true. Show buttons
var value = true;
// Set variable with SalesPerson security role GUID
var constSalesPersonGuid = "74E3A3A3-E6F3-4B97-A045-A557B1660293";
// Get the Current User's Security Roles
// D365 v9
var userRoles = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings.securityRoles;
// loop through roles and look for SalesPerson guid
for (var i = 0; i < userRoles.length; i ) {
if (userRoles[i].toUpperCase() == constSalesPersonGuid.toUpperCase()) {
// Hide Activate button and the Deactivate button
value = false;
return value;
And please make sure the enable rule is tied to the command.