The latest round of Google Chrome and MS Edge updates have made some of our custom Dynamics CRM code that uses window.DialogArguments to stop working and we cannot figure out why. It still works in Internet Explorer in Compatibility mode.
Dynamics CRM Version: on premise
We have a ribbon button calling a javascript function SendEmail() which calls a pop-up window with a drop-down list box and a button. The javascript has an override function to replace the old window.showModalDialog function with a normal
The problem seems to be that it’s no longer passing the arguments through and the window won’t even open.
// overrides showModalDialog, which was deprecated in Chrome and Firefox // MW 6/4/2019 window.showModalDialog = function (url, arg, feature) { var opFeature = feature.split(";"); var featuresArray = new Array() if (document.all) { for (var i = 0; i < opFeature.length - 1; i ) { var f = opFeature[i].split("="); featuresArray[f[0]] = f[1]; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < opFeature.length - 1; i ) { var f = opFeature[i].split(":"); featuresArray[f[0].toString().trim().toLowerCase()] = f[1].toString().trim(); } } var h = "200px", w = "400px", l = "100px", t = "100px", r = "yes", c = "yes", s = "no"; if (featuresArray["dialogheight"]) h = featuresArray["dialogheight"]; if (featuresArray["dialogwidth"]) w = featuresArray["dialogwidth"]; if (featuresArray["dialogleft"]) l = featuresArray["dialogleft"]; if (featuresArray["dialogtop"]) t = featuresArray["dialogtop"]; if (featuresArray["resizable"]) r = featuresArray["resizable"]; if (featuresArray["center"]) c = featuresArray["center"]; if (featuresArray["status"]) s = featuresArray["status"]; var modelFeature = "height = " h ",width = " w ",left=" l ",top=" t ",model=yes,alwaysRaised=yes" ",resizable= " r ",celter=" c ",status=" s; var model =, "", modelFeature, null); model.dialogArguments = arg; } //Purpose: saves the form and shows html pop up with all the templates of email type function SendEmail() { var popup = window.showModalDialog(Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() "/WebResources/cmm_sendemail.htm", this, 'center:yes;unadorned:yes;resizable:1;dialogHeight:60px;dialogwidth:550px;scroll:no;status=no'); }
The HTML web resource cmm_sendemail.htm being called is below. The var entityName =; lines referring to window.dialogArguments are coming back as undefined in the browser console.
Send Email