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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Database refresh

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Posted on by 346

Hi All ,

What are MS standard guidelines for database refresh activity of AX 2012 environments ( Prod copy - > Preprodenv or Prod copy -> Test env) ?

What is the best tool recommended by MS for database refresh activity?

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  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: Database refresh

    Just use SQL backups.

    You have to change environment specific data with an SQL script. So you need to identify all environment specific tables in your system.

    Users, server config, SSRS config, AIF ports are such tables but there are more.

    TDTT table exception lists can be used as inspiration for that but your system might also have some custom tables that need to be taken into account.

    Usual process for copying would be:

    1) export customized models from target environment (needed if you have some code in the target environment that is not yet in production)

    2) take SQL backup in source environment (model and business db)

    3) import backups in target environment

    4) run data manipulation scripts

    5) import models that were exported in step 1

  • sri17 Profile Picture
    sri17 346 on at
    RE: Database refresh

    Thanks for the information.

    The client data volume is huge. We have been using the tool ,but never had expected results. Thus thought to take about the best approach which you all using without any issues.

    The client data resresh activitie is for every 15 days and applies different environments such as Preprod, UATST ,TSTST ,....

    Kindly share best practices and tool.

  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: Database refresh

    TDTT is fine as long as your data is not too big. It's an official MS tool, and anyway you are moving data to test so what is supported or not is not so important. I think it's a great tool and you should give it a try.

  • sri17 Profile Picture
    sri17 346 on at
    RE: Database refresh

    Thanks for information .

    Since you made it clear that TDTT does not work, if the volume of data is huge. Further , the tool is not supported by MS also,hence it's not a good idea to relay on this tool.

    Could other pioneers share your real time experiences and best practices for smooth data refresh activities. ?

  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: Database refresh

    One option is SQL backup. In this case you should copy model and business database if element ids are not in sync between the environments. You also need an SQL script to update all environment specific data to match the target environment.

    Another option is Test Data Transfer Tool. It will copy all tables which are not excluded in config files. Out of the box config files handle all standard environment specific tables. You can use TDTT also to copy between environments where element ids are not in sync. If you have a lot of data TDTT will not work, it can fail with huge tables. You can download TDTT from Lifecycle Services.

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