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Here's a simple job that might help You find broken number sequences, afterwards You can correct them from database (just set the number as next free number sequence and the problem will go away).
static void mpl_systemSequences_tool(Args _args) { SystemSequences sysSeq; Common buffer; DictTable dt; str s1,s2; int iBad, iGood; while select crosscompany sysSeq where sysSeq.tabId != 100035 && sysSeq.tabId != 100036 { dt = new DictTable(sysSeq.tabId); if (dt) { buffer = dt.makeRecord(); select crossCompany maxOf(RecId) from buffer; s1 = int642str(buffer.RecId); s2 = int642str(sysSeq.nextVal); if (buffer.TableId == sysSeq.tabId && buffer.RecId < sysSeq.nextVal) { // info(strFmt("%1 %2 %3 %4",,,s1,s2));//buffer.RecId,sysSeq.nextVal)); iGood++; } else { warning(strFmt("%1 %2 %3 %4",,,buffer.RecId,sysSeq.nextVal)); iBad++; } } } info(strfmt("good: '%1' bad: '%2'",iGood,iBad)); }
Thank for your suggestion
Is that issue only with one number seuquence?
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