Hello All,
I'm installing an on-premises
The TestConfiguration.ps1 script passes:
PS C:\Users\xxx\SFC> .\TestConfiguration.ps1 -ClusterConfigfilePath .\clusterconfig.json
Trace folder already exists. Traces will be written to existing trace folder: C:\Users\rootadmin\Downloads\SFC\DeploymentTraces
Running Best Practices Analyzer...
Opening TraceWriter SFDeployer, path C:\Users\rxxx\SFC\DeploymentTraces\SFDeployer-638072985728136791.trace
Diagnostics Store is not a file share. Please consider using a file share accessible from all cluster machines, collecting logs in a local folder is inconvenient.
Best Practices Analyzer completed successfully.
Closing TraceWriter SFDeployer, path C:\Users\xxx\SFC\DeploymentTraces\SFDeployer-638072985728136791.trace
LocalAdminPrivilege : True
IsJsonValid : True
IsCabValid :
RequiredPortsOpen : True
RemoteRegistryAvailable : True
FirewallAvailable : True
RpcCheckPassed : True
NoDomainController : True
NoConflictingInstallations : True
FabricInstallable : True
DataDrivesAvailable : True
DrivesEnoughAvailableSpace : True
Passed : True
While running CreateServiceFabricCluster.ps1 script, the creation of the cluster fails with error "Illegal characters in path"
PS C:\Users\xxx\SFC> .\CreateServiceFabricCluster.ps1 -ClusterConfigFilePath .\ClusterConfig.json
Do you accept the license terms for using Microsoft Azure Service Fabric located in the root of your package download? I
f you do not accept the license terms you may not use the software.
[Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"): y
No directory exists for Runtime packages. Creating a new directory.
Done creating C:\Users\rootadmin\Downloads\SFC\DeploymentRuntimePackages
Trace folder already exists. Traces will be written to existing trace folder: C:\Users\rootadmin\Downloads\SFC\DeploymentTraces
Runtime package version 9.1.1390.9590 was not found in DeploymentRuntimePackages folder and needed to be downloaded.
Runtime package has been successfully downloaded to C:\Users\xxx\SFC\DeploymentRuntimePackages\Microsoft
Creating Service Fabric Cluster...
If it's taking too long, please check in Task Manager details and see if Fabric.exe for each node is running. If not, pl
ease look at: 1. traces in DeploymentTraces directory and 2. traces in FabricLogRoot configured in ClusterConfig.json.
Trace folder already exists. Traces will be written to existing trace folder: C:\Users\rootadmin\Downloads\SFC\DeploymentTraces
Running Best Practices Analyzer...
Opening TraceWriter SFDeployer, path C:\Users\rootadmin\Downloads\SFC\DeploymentTraces\SFDeployer-638072965842816448.trace
Diagnostics Store is not a file share. Please consider using a file share accessible from all cluster machines, collecting logs in a local folder is inconvenient.
Best Practices Analyzer completed successfully.
Creating Service Fabric Cluster...
Processing and validating cluster config.
Closing TraceWriter SFDeployer, path C:\Users\xxx\SFC\DeploymentTraces\SFDeployer-638072965842816448.trace
Create Cluster failed. For more information please look at traces in FabricLogRoot.
Illegal characters in path.
Create Cluster failed. Call with -Verbose for more details
Can anyone point up the source of this error? Where should I check for "Illegal characters in path"?
Thanks in advance for your help.