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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Purchase Order Re-approval rule is auto approving everything on first submission

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I have set up a purchasing policy with a re-approval rule. In the policy I have selected several fields from the Purchase line that are subject to re-approval, for example PurchaseLine Unit Price.

I have created a Purchase order line workflow and in this I have added a condition that checks whether the line requires re-approval. The coniditon is:

"Where Purchase order lines.Requires purchase order re-approval is value No"

The problem is that when I create a new Purchase order all lines are being automatically approved, the condition is evaluating to TRUE on the first submission to workflow. When I amend the PO after this and re-submit it the workflow behaves correctly, unchanged lines are auto-approves and changed lines are forced for re-approval.

Does anyone know why the first submission is auto approving?

AX2102 R3



Re-Approval Policy


Purchase order line workflow



*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    dhanerwal Profile Picture
    dhanerwal 5 on at
    RE: Purchase Order Re-approval rule is auto approving everything on first submission

    Perfect answer. working smoothly

  • Suggested answer
    NitinPatil Profile Picture
    NitinPatil 10 on at
    RE: Purchase Order Re-approval rule is auto approving everything on first submission

    Hi Mark,

    Not sure if you have already found a solution but this might be helpful.

    If I understand correctly, you wish to control the workflow for re-approvals of your purchase orders i.e. you wish to assign it to designated approvers only if certain critical fields are updated such as price, quantity etc. However if users have updated non critical (depends on each organization rule) information such delivery dates, financial dimensions, warehouse code etc., you wish the order should be auto-approved. Is that correct?

    If yes, then you have rightly configured the purchasing policy to define critical fields which should trigger re-approval if updated.

    Next thing that you can do is define a first level conditional decision under your workflow and define the condition as:



    System evaluates this condition with your purchase order re-approval policy. If fields mentioned within policy are updated then it will return the value as "True" otherwise "False". So if the value is True, you can choose the next step in your workflow as your existing conditions and if the returned value is "false" you can choose to "End" the workflow.


    This condition evaluates to "True" when you newly create a Purchase Order. So your standard workflow conditions will get evaluated for new purchase orders. In case of orders which are edited, this condition evaluates changes with purchasing policy and returns True / False based on fields specified therein.

    Hope this help!

    Best Regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Purchase Order Re-approval rule is auto approving everything on first submission

    Hi Mark Dillon,

    Is your PO line workflow linked and bound into a PO workflow?

    Not sure if the condition you specified is going to work at all because the purchline table does not include a reapproval field that is set to yes or no.

    Probably test the condition first through the test button right above your condition. If it does not, you might have to get a developer involved.

    Best regards,


  • RE: Purchase Order Re-approval rule is auto approving everything on first submission


    You have answered your own question , "the condition is evaluating to TRUE on the first submission to workflow"

    The PO lines when first created do not need re-approval so will evaluate to true,

    Try a different rule

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