Dear all,
We've configured an integration solution in SSIS that uses Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 as source and target connection. The Source and Target connection manager are SSIS components provided by Cozyroc. The solution works correctly on DEV & QA environments.
We run into an issue when deploying to the PRD environment.
It appears that the PRD environment is a load balanced deployment with multiple AOS servers. DEV & QA environments are not load balanced.
When we test the connection in the Cozyroc source manager it returns an error.
'The operation could not be completed. (Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet)'
We suspect the issue resides in the configuration of the .net business connector since permissions have been reviewed and work correctly to connect to DEV & QA environment.
Some articles refer that all of the AOS servers need to be mentioned in the configuration file with the load balancer first (not sure if this applies only for the AX client or also for the .net business connector):
Other articles suggest to include a configuration command to run at Kernel startup (-loadbalance=0):
Below the .axc config for QA that works correctly.
What needs to be specified in the .axc file for the .net business connector to work correctly in a load balanced cluster deployment?
Anyone any experience?
Configuration export file for Dynamics Formatversion: 1 Configuration: ET-UAT logdir,Text,%USERPROFILE%\Microsoft\Dynamics Ax\Log\ company,Text, partition,Text, startupcmd,Text, extracmdline,Text, startupmsg,Text, aos2,Text,VRI-AXSVS01-UAT:2712 wsdlport,Text,8101 aosencryption,Text,1 xppdebug,Text, aol,Text,usr aolcode,Text, client,Text,thin _clientmode,Int,0 sql,Int,1 native,Int,0 hassqlpwd,Int,0 localappldoc,Int,0 localsysdoc,Int,0 applshare,Int,1 applexclusive,Int,0 hascompwd,Int,0 hasserveridletimeout,Int,0 allowunauth,Int,0 windowsauth,Text,1 sqloraclefirstrowsfix,Text, hasocipwd,Int,0 dbunicodeenabled,Text,1 cachesynctime,Text, caslevel,Text,enable language,Text, _clientadname,Text, aos,Text, application,Text, bindir,Text,C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\\Client\Bin broadcast,Text, compwd,Text, connectionidletimeout,Text, createdsn,Text, database,Text,AXDB datadir,Text,C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\\Client\Data dbcli,Text,odbc dbserver,Text,VRI-ARKDB-DEV directory,Text,C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\\Client dsn,Text, exposeserverprinters,Int,0 fetchahead,Text, haswarnings,Int,0 hint,Text, ignoredatasourceindex,Text,0 installationlanguage,Text,EN-US internet,Text,VRI-AX11-DEV log,Text, newconnectionretrycount,Text, newconnectionretrydelayms,Text, opencursors,Text, port,Text, preloadthresholdmsec,Text, preloadthresholdrecords,Text, querytimelimit,Text, retry,Text, serveridletimeout,Text, servermask,Text,2712 sqlbuffer,Text, sqlcomplexliterals,Text,1 sqlformliterals,Text,1 sqlpwd,Text, sqltrace,Text,0 sqluser,Text, user,Text, warnings,Text,