Hi All
I have added a button with following code to post packing slip for all sales order lines (SalesLine) with quantity in 'Delivery now' field.
void clicked() { CustPackingSlipJour custPackingSlipJour; SalesFormLetter salesFormLetter; System.Exception error; String255 strError; ttsBegin; try { if (SalesTable.SalesStatus == SalesStatus::BackOrder) { salesFormLetter = SalesFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::PackingSlip); salesFormLetter.update( SalesTable, systemDateGet(), SalesUpdate::DeliverNow, AccountOrder::None, NoYes::No, NoYes::Yes, NoYes::No ); if (salesFormLetter.parmJournalRecord().TableId == tableNum(CustPackingSlipJour)) { custPackingSlipJour = salesFormLetter.parmJournalRecord(); info(strFmt('New Packing Slip #:%1 successfully created for Sales Order #:%2', custPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId, custPackingSlipJour.SalesId)); } else { warning('Error posting packing slip, try again'); } } else { warning('Order status must be \'Open order\' before posting packing slip'); } } catch (Exception::CLRError) { error = CLRInterop::getLastException(); strError = error.ToString(); info(strfmt('%1', strError)); info(strFmt('%1 failed to delivered, please try again!', SalesTable.SalesId)); } ttsCommit; }
I have added all methods of 'SalesFormLetter' and 'SalesFormLetter_PackingSlip' classes in users permission but still packing slip is not getting posted when the user is clicking on the button. .
Moreover, the user can post packing slip through 'Packing slip' button available in 'Pick and pack' tab.
Can anybody let me know possible solution for this issue.
Thanks in advance.