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Customer Journey & Marketing Emails with dynamic Event data

Posted on by 5

Hello all,

I'm fairly new to D365 CRM and I am struggling with adding dynamic data to marketing emails that we plan on sending through customers on a customer journey.

My high level concept was..

  1. User registers to one of our events.
  2. We collect some custom data during the registration that is unique to that event in question.
  3. I want to send the newly registered lead/contact on a templated customer journey that sends 2 or 3 reminder emails.
    1. These emails will reference some of the unique data that was sent to the CRM during the registration process.
    2. These emails will also reference some of that unique data to construct a unique link on how to join the online event.

The problem I'm running into is that when it comes to marketing email dynamic data there really isn't a lot of options.

  • Contact
  • Content settings
  • Formdoisubmission (???)
  • Message

I also noticed that I can add static content in terms of a specific event. This means that any markerting emails I need to create will need to be recreated for each individual event we host. I suppose that's fine. Regardless, these certainly are not geared for dynamic event based messaging and especially not information about the registration submission to the event. I suppose we could try to store that event info on the contact itself but that just seems wrong. I do not like that idea and it's one of the reasons why I'm writing this post. I would like some ideas!

I noticed that the workflow emails seem to be a lot more powerful with dynamic data. I saw some examples on how to target data on the registration itself. Is this the correct approach? Should this all be managed via a workflow and not a customer journey?

What are your thoughts? Thanks in advance!

  • RS-15051300-0 Profile Picture
    RS-15051300-0 5 on at
    Customer Journey & Marketing Emails with dynamic Event data
    It is now 2024 and the same problem persists.
    I also want to create a standard event journey, where the emails have custom elements depending on the registration and the event itself.
    But it is only partially possible.
    For my complex journey, I would have to create 5 emails each time, with just one small change in each email - which seems unnecessary.

    I was able to get 2 out of 3 things automated:
    1. It is possible for example to include Event Meta data into an email automatically. The name of the event can be adapted in journey run, based on the event registration.
    2. Same works for the link to the Teams webinar, if you solve that problem with a trigger that collect the TeamsURL.
    3. The third problem I could not solve, I wanted to auto add a Calendar Invite, but this only works when choosing a specific event, so it cannot be based on a trigger or a registration unfortunately.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you
  • Lynn Drees Profile Picture
    Lynn Drees 160 on at
    RE: Customer Journey & Marketing Emails with dynamic Event data

    Thank you very much. It confirms what I thought. I really wish there was an ootb solution. Thank you again,


  • horsch Profile Picture
    horsch 5 on at
    RE: Customer Journey & Marketing Emails with dynamic Event data


    There does not appear to be any out of the box functionality that I found useful. Instead of going the customer journey route we ended up using a process to send emails. Though, that wasn't even enough to populate the data successfully. It also came at the cost of having not as great of control over the HTML of our emails. So none of our emails were responsive, which presented a design challenge..

    We ended up utilizing a dynamics365 developer to build a module that would scrape the email for contextual placeholder data like {{contact.firstname}} and it would then insert that contacts first name into that placeholder. It was not pretty and left much to be desired.

    I hope this helps.

  • Lynn Drees Profile Picture
    Lynn Drees 160 on at
    RE: Customer Journey & Marketing Emails with dynamic Event data


    I'm wondering if you received any updates regarding this question?



  • Suggested answer
    Jelle_v Profile Picture
    Jelle_v 45 on at
    RE: Customer Journey & Marketing Emails with dynamic Event data


    I see the same struggle as the one I have.

    I really like to setup a dynamic journey for all events that are almost the same:

    • Setup all my email templates with event content (like Event name, dates, registration url, pictures).
    • Create them in 3 languages

    For every event, I want to use a journey-template and just link the event to the email messages.

    I already have such a journey template, but every time its a manual job to set the event, and there is to much room for error in a large journey!

    In terms of dynamic content, it is possible to add (custom)entities and relationships to the marketing data configuration (Settings > Marketing settings > marketing data configuration). You can only enable entities that have change tracking enabled in the customizations.

    Then in the dynamic content wizard, these options (Contact, Content settings, Formdoisubmission, Message) are the starting point from where the dynamic content should come from. So perhaps you can add dynamics content from a related entity?

    If I could relate my dynamics content to the regarding event, I might be close to a solution.

    > while I was writing this, I thouht about something else: 

    • 1 journey can send an event registration -> this must be created for every event.
    • 1 journey can be dynamic if it started form a Form Submission / Record updated trigger in the journey. --> This can be the same for every event, and I can reuse all the content.

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