Hi Everyone,
We are facing this issue from few days.
We tried all we can and I mentioned everything below.
The server was rebooted after hours last night, but this did not help with the services that won’t start. I did some research on the Net Tcp Port Sharing Service and see that it may need .NET 3.5 enabled for it to work. I’m not sure if this was disabled recently or not, or if this service is even needed to be running.
Also, for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sandbox Processing Service, should this be running on the server? With either of these two services, I am not sure if they are critical to the server or not. but I want to make sure of that.
I enabled .NET 3.5 and tried starting the services, but they still do not start:
I’m not sure if the server will need another reboot after enabling .NET 3.5 or not. It did not prompt for it after the feature was enabled.
I also see a couple of other services related to this that aren’t running and won’t start either:
I see that “Net TCP Listener Adapter” depends on “Net TCP Port Sharing” service. I’m not sure if the top one needs to be set to something other than Disabled or if that is supposed to stay that way.
Any suggestions and replies will be greatly appreciated.