At the moment we have a massive list of fields on the Account form that have a boolean to show if the Account has a product. There are also contract dates.
It has been there a long time and is clearly bad practice.
I would like to replace with a custom entity and a grid.
Sales and Marketing need to be able to identify Accounts that do not have a specific product. Potentially something like has this product but does not have that product etc.
I know that I can report on parent entities which have no child entities in a relationship since v9. However that seems to be all or nothing.
I can't see how they could easily do an Advanced Find that also incorporates a filter of the child records.
Does anyone have any ideas around how I can resolve this problem?
I could do something with PowerBI. I have the Crowe Editable Grid but am not sure f it can do such an advanced query. Would be good to be as native as possible.