I'm getting some weird results with a smartlist pointed to a custom SQL View. The view exists on each company in our instance. I am a POWERUSER in all companies. The other day I noticed that I wasn't able to query the view or the table it's pulling from in SSMS, I raised the question to our DBA team and they said no table level security was present, and today I was able to run queries. Suspect, but whatever... I figured that would solve the issue. it did not.
I have the SQL Table Security set correctly in each company to allow the connection in the GP application. I granted access to both the view and the custom table it's pulling from to be sure. It works fine on one of our companies. the rest just return no data. I can't find any difference in the company where the SL works, and those where it doesn't.
If I log in with the SA account, the smartlist works fine on every company. This smartlist was not created by me, but I went back through step by step and everything seems to be fine. Is there some security flag within GP that i am missing that is blocking access to the data? or is there something in the SQL view/table that is?