Hello All,
We have 2 instances in dynamics 365. One for sandbox and another for production. Both are associated with individual Talent instances. Consider Dynamics 365 sandbox instance is associated with ABC talent instance and production instance is associated with XYZ talent instance. Team is using current sandbox like a production instance. Every Important talent related data is available in ABC talent instance which is associated with Dynamics 365 sandbox instance.
Our main goal is to change instance in Dynamics 365. So by that, our current sandbox instance should be production instance in dynamics 365. By that new Production instance should be associated with ABC talent instance and new sandbox instance should be associated with XYZ instance. Following are the questions:
1) If i just change the instance from sandbox to production in dynamics 365 admin center, will it take care my requirement?
2) Will it impact anything in any Talent instances if i switch the instance from dynamics 365?
3) What things i need to take care while changing the instance of dynamics 365?
Also after above operation is done, i need to copy new production -> ABC talent instance to new sandboc -> XYZ instance. How i can copy data for talenet?