Hello everyone,
I have a marketing list of roughly 1,800 contacts that receive our bi-weekly newsletter emails. Earlier this year the number of contacts associated with that marketing list abruptly dropped from over 1,800 to 39. There is nothing in the audit trail to explain this behavior.
I was able to recover the list by pulling it from an old customer journey, but I am now very concerned that this will happen again. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
Thank you. I did wind up opening a ticket which was no help whatsoever. I also turned on Auditing on the Marketing List entity so I can review what happens if I ever see the same issue crop up.
I made a backup of the list and can now use that for my email campaigns, but this whole thing was very frustrating.
Thanks again for your help Elena and Clofly.
Hi Daniel,
I agree with Clofly that it'd be better if you create a support ticket. The behavior you've described is not supposed to be. Members can't disappear unless the source data in dynamic segment were changes or there's some flow modifying the initial list. So, it'd be better to investigate the issue and understand what have happened - not to put your data at risk in the future.
Once you create a ticket, we will be able to involve our engineering team and check what we see on our side regarding your org.
hope it will help
Hi Dan,
Is your account system admin?
If yes, have you run any background workflows or plug-ins which might change contact's data?
My suggestion is that you could update system to newer version, create a backup of your current memebers in list, then waiting for several days to check whether your issue will still happens,
if the issue still happens, please open a support ticket for help.
Thank you for your response. Yes, I was saying that the contacts were removed without any operation on my end. I looked in to your questions and here is what I found.
Thanks again,
Hi danstern11,
Do you mean that some contacts were removed abruptly from the list without any operations?
1. Open Contact Associated View and check whether related contacts also reduced.
2. Open browser console(F12), and execute following code to calculate total members of current list, it'll check whether the association between list and contacts is really disassociated.
var id = Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId().replace('{','').replace('}',''); Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("listmember", "?$filter=_listid_value eq " id "").then( function success(result) { alert("Total members of current list is: " result.entities.length); }, function (error) { console.log(error.message); } );
3. Check Insights data of marketing form which has been added the marketing list, find whether there is any submission from dropped contact.
4. Could you share version and region of your marketing application?
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