RE: Cannot Remove Item From a Controlled Warehouse
Check on "Location" table if your location have "Adjust Bin Code" field compiled (with Bin code), if yes you have fowfields = TRUE on table "Bin"; is not possible to create warehouse entries if this flag is = TRUE.
Problem is in this check (correct check)
7311 "Warehouse Journal Line" field 28 "To Bin Code"
To Bin Code - OnValidate()
IF NOT PhysInvtEntered THEN
TESTFIELD("Phys. Inventory",FALSE);
IF CurrFieldNo = FIELDNO("To Bin Code") THEN
IF "To Bin Code" <> xRec."To Bin Code" THEN
CheckBin("Location Code","To Bin Code",TRUE);
GetBin("Location Code","To Bin Code");
Bin.CALCFIELDS("Adjustment Bin");
// ***
Bin.TESTFIELD("Adjustment Bin",FALSE); --> this line chek if the flag is FALSE, if TRUE you get the error
// ***
IF "To Bin Code" <> '' THEN
"To Zone Code" := Bin."Zone Code";