I'm using this article learn.microsoft.com/.../mt703269(v=crm.8) for configuring CRM on-premise server based authentication a.k.a SSS (Server Side Sync) to Exchange Online.
Under the section: Set up server-based authentication, Step 2 the first part of the command works fine.
$CertificateScriptWithCommand = “.\CertificateReconfiguration.ps1 -certificateFile c:\cert.pfx -password mypasswordhere -updateCrm -certificateType S2STokenIssuer -serviceAccount domain\serviceaccount -storeFindType FindBySubjectDistinguishedName”
It's the second part that fails with the error.
Command: Invoke-Expression -command $CertificateScriptWithCommand
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\tools\CertificateReconfiguration.ps1 : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'password' because it is an empty string.
Any ideas on what I need to investigate to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated...thanks
I tried various things I found online such as:
- granting service account access to certificate private key
- granting service account local security policies for log on as a service and log on as a batch job
- granting service account local administrator on CRM server