RE: Best practice around websites and tracking
Hi Sigurd,
As per my understanding, were your all marketing pages on the external website with embedded marketing form?
I embedded a marketing form on my two websites, as you see,
embedded marketing form will capture the page URL for same contact.
However, currently Insights data could be only imported to Azure Blob Storage and be viewed in Power BI, so we couldn't route contacts with these data.
The only identification for us is we can know which source is contact originated from:
So for your scenario, I suggest you could create a hidden field "Custom Source Marketing Page" on the marketing form for contact entity,
with a simple javascript (likes location.origin to get each website hostname) to populate the field,
then route/assign contact to specific user/team based on text in Custom Source Marketing Page field when record is created.
Thus one script (one marketing form) could works for all domains.