RE: Enlist all the details of objects those are modified in current model
This information (what changes are related to some task) is already available in source control. And actually it's better information because you can see which exact code lines were changed. If you list all customized parts of all objects on an AOT project, you end up listing much more than just the changes for this project.
For example, SalesTable table might have 25 different customizations, and only one is related to your current project. But your solution would list all these 25 customizations.
But if you look at the changeset details in your source control system, you would see the exact changes.
Normally each check-in to source control is linked to some task id. So, you don't actually have to put anything in the technical design document, instead anyone can use the task id of this technical design to find the changes in the source control. And it will show all changes, even if the developer forgot to add some object to the AOT proejct.
And of course you could develop some script to extract the exact changeset details from the source control to your technical design document if you need it. But that would be just duplicating the information which already exists.