I'm starting my journey here and want to add that I just can write the word "Navision". We currently migrate a customer from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013. While users already use Outlook 2013 with NAV 5.0 and can send PDF offers directly from Navision to Outlook this stops working after the mailbox is migrated to Exchange 2013.
The User will get the following error message: [View:https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=8CBB94191BC687F6!14551&authkey=!Wh!ryykklE4$&v=3:550:0]
As there are some german fragments I'll try to translate them:
This message is for C/AL-Developers
The call to Member SignOn encountered an error. MAPISession delivered the following message: Login hast failed
Any idea where to search for a solution to that problem?
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