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Side-by-side setup of MS Dynamics

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Some background first: Our company "XS" is a small spin-off of a larger company "XL". Our mother company "XL" has a MS Dynamics CRM setup. However, for several reasons (technical and legal) we need to run our own Dynamics CRM at "XS". 

Currently "XS" users login via "XL" SSO to Teams, Dynamics, Sharepoint and other MS tools using their email accounts of "XS". The important thing here is that users may rely on accounts and data stored at "XL" for a longer period. They need to be able to access both corporate accounts / MS tools in parallel, while the CRM needs to be migrated into an own account.

How would you migrate from the CRM at "XL" to the CRM at "XS", while allowing users to access both XL and XS accounts in parallel? 

  • Suggested answer
    PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    RE: Side-by-side setup of MS Dynamics

    YOu have a couple options.

    a) Within the same tenant, create a new D365 CRM environment, and perform a copy of XL into this new created environment.  This allows you to have 2 different environments (one for XL and another for XS). You will keep using the same domain (XL) as well as Teams, etc.  However, be aware that once you start this copy, both environments are handled separatedly (Data won't merge nor synchronize).  Updates done on one environment are NOT synchronized/moved to the other environment!

    b) You can create a new tenant that will have a different domain, for XS for example.  There's a procedure named Tenant Migration that allows you to move environments (and data) between tenants.  This means that users will need a different account ( to login to this environment.  PLease note that if you have EMail or Sharepoint integrations, you will need to perform an additional migration as well.


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