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Modifying Posted Sales Shipment Report- Temporary lines not showing data.

Posted on by 83
Hello, I have created report extension for adding a new column into sales shipment lines.
Firstly, the column in added to sales shipment lines and the data is getting populated on the page after I have used EventSubscriber method to fetch the data.
Now, the same columns needs to be added into report.
When I looked at the structure of the report. Two dataItem is there
1.  dataitem(/Sales Shipment Line/; /Sales Shipment Line/){}
2.  dataitem(SalesShptLine; /Integer/)
The second one is a temporary sales lines.
All the data on the report line are getting populated from SalesShptLine.
I am not able to figure out a way to add the column there and fetch the correct data for those lines. Please help !
Following is the manipulation that i tried to do is as follows:(Not sure if it is right or not, due to this code i can see the column names into word report XML Mapping section)
  • Suggested answer
    Dustin Wolf Profile Picture
    Dustin Wolf 30 on at
    Modifying Posted Sales Shipment Report- Temporary lines not showing data.
    What is the report number you are trying to extend?  The visibility of the TempSalesLine may not be accessible from extensions.
    if you use the TempSalesLine2, it wont work because you are not populating that record. So it will be blank.
    I have run into issues extending some reports.  Accessibility of protected fields on the reports are a major problem.
    if the tempsalesline is unavailable, the best course of action would probably be to copy the report to a custom range and make the modifications where you need them.
    then use that custom report in the Report Selection for the Shipment
    Dustin Wolf, MS
    Senior Developer
    Accent Software, Inc.


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