We are using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for field service from quite some time. Now we have slightly change in timings for some bookable resources on two days of a week. I would like to know how we can achieve this without disturbing the old records. I mean without disturbing the old timings on the schedule board. I tried doing the changes in the calendar (on sandbox instance), but I lost all the previous schedule board timings details. The jobs are still there on schedule board, but the details of the resource timings are lost (working hours). How can we avoid that? Please below images for better understanding.
This image is showing the updated timings of each bookable resource. (the white background I am referring to)
In this image, it is showing yesterday's schedule board which is blank (not showing the resource working hours after updating the calendar today). So, basically, it showing everything right from today onward but has messed up the previous record specifically the resource board.
Can someone please help me how can I overcome or is there anything which I am doing wrong?