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Total number of active segments and measures combined can't exceed 100.

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hello everyone,

Does Microsoft have a plan of increasing active dynamic segments, we met the issue that we almost reached active dynamic segment limit (up to 100), which is not enough to use, since they would be a lot of dynamic segments be used in the future, like different customer groups, different ADs types, etc....

Hope Microsoft have a plan on this....



  • Suggested answer
    JimsonC Profile Picture
    JimsonC on at
    RE: Total number of active segments and measures combined can't exceed 100.

    Yes, we do have plans for increasing this limit within the next 6 to 12 months window. We are just not yet ready to talk about more granular timeline yet.

    Having said that, the documented limit of 100, describes the ideal max number of segments with zero perf degradation. But this isn't a limit we enforce in the product. You can go up to 150 segments with minimal to no perf degradation. Beyond 150 you are likely to see some slowness for segment refresh times. But please do stay around the 150 mark until we're able to talk about timelines for new limits in the next few months.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Total number of active segments and measures combined can't exceed 100.


    I have searched for the Dynamics 365 2021 plan(, it doesn’t refer to this feature.

    You can post an idea here( to progress this feature.

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