RE: Vendor Invoice Journalize
Hi Andre,
If you run the below query for a negative sales tax used Purchase Order , then you may find that it is not getting balanced,
select sum(sljaed.AccountingCurrencyAmount)
from SubledgerJournalEntry slje
join SubledgerJournalAccountEntry sljae
on slje.recid = sljae.subledgerjournalentry
join SubledgerJournalAccountEntryDistribution sljaed
on sljae.recid = sljaed.subledgerjournalaccountentry
where slje.Voucher = 'VOUCHER NUMBER'
When the above results are not equal to 0.00 , then the below method tries to balance it , while we run the reporting currency conversion.
and when it tries to balance it , it picks the Posting Type - "Penny differences in Reporting Currency" in SubledgerJournalAccountEntry table and it joins the child table SubledgerJournalAccountEntryDistribution and tries to update it for the Balancing.
After CU11 upgrade for the certain posting types like (Penny differnces in Accounting Currency,Penny differnces in reporting Currency,Purchase accruals) , the records are not created in SubledgerJournalAccountEntryDistribution and finally i am getting the below error.