RE: Subscription Center - Confirmation Page
You can re-direct the user to another page or change the message that appears on the default.
Submission behavior: These settings establish how the form interacts with people who submit it. They establish the default settings for when you place the form in a marketing page using a form element, though you can override these by editing the form element properties. They also establish the behavior for when the form is embedded on an external website. The following setting are provided here:
- Success notification: Enter a message to show to visitors right after they submit the form. Use this to thank the submitter and confirm their submission.
- Success image URL: The success-notification message is rendered as an overlay dialog that includes a small graphic. By default, it shows a green circle with a check mark. If you prefer a custom graphic (such as your organization's logo), then upload the graphic somewhere and enter the full URL here.
- Error notification: Enter a short message that tells the user that a temporary error has prevented the system from accepting the form submission. For example, "We can't accept your form submission right now. Please try again later."
- Error image URL: The error-notification message includes a small graphic. By default, it shows a red circle with an X mark. If you prefer a custom graphic, then upload the graphic somewhere and enter the full URL here.
- Limit exceeded notification: Enter a short message announcing that the system has stopped processing new submissions temporarily, and inviting the user to try again later. This situation can occur if the server detects a submission pattern consistent with abuse of the system and has therefore entered a defensive stance.
- Redirect URL: Enter a URL to send the submitter to immediately after they submit the form. This typically would be a page on your own website that thanks the submitter and confirms their submission, or some other message related to the purpose of your marketing page.
- Store all form submissions. Marketing-form records provide a tab called Form submissions, where you can see all incoming submissions for the current form that haven't been processed yet. Failed submissions will remain listed here so you can inspect, possibly fix, and resubmit them. Set this option to Yes if you'd also like to keep a record of all successfully processed submission here, which you'll also be able to inspect, update, and resubmit if needed. Set this to No to keep only pending and failed submission in the list. Either way, all successfully processed submissions will be applied to your database, and you'll always be able to see these submissions on the Insights > Submissions tab (but you can't edit or resubmit from there). More information: Edit and resubmit form submissions