I want to implement monthly budget and at each month end the remaining un-utilized budget to be carried forward to next month i need to know how can i achieve this and what does the carry forward amount check box (yellow highlighted) purpose
I want to implement monthly budget and at each month end the remaining un-utilized budget to be carried forward to next month i need to know how can i achieve this and what does the carry forward amount check box (yellow highlighted) purpose
I understand that you are wondering about the Carry Forward Amount Check Box in the Budget Control Configuration. The purpose of this checkbox is to allow you to carry forward a Purchase Order from one Fiscal Year to the Next that still has budget tied to it. This checkbox will not allow you to carry any unused budget that is not tied to a PO. If you have any questions please let me know.
Hi MKS81,
Can we get an update ony your thread? Did you come to any conclusion.
Hello MKS81,
Is that a public sector budgeting requirement?
I have not seen that private sector companies budget at that level and carry forward un-utilized amounts.
Checking the budgets and carry forward amounts can involve quite a lot of work and I wonder why this is needed.
Would be great if you could elaborate.
Best regards,
Hi MKS81,
Do you maintain monthly budget or Yearly budget?
The budget that we setup is for a specific date range, let's say Yearly. So as long as you are not exceeding the total budget in a specific month so you need to carry forward the budget to next month because your budget basis is yearly.
And i dont think maintaining Monthly budget is the best practice and then carry orward unutilized budget to next month.
This parameter "Include carry foward amount" is related to include amounts that are carried forward as part of a purchase order year-end process, you can find further details on below link:
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