RE: How do I pin the action pane in new UI in 10.0.32 to stay expanded
Hi there! It sounds like you're having trouble finding the option to pin the Action pane in an open state after collapsing it upward in the 'All sales orders' form. Let's see if we can figure out what's going on.
First, it's important to note that the option to pin the Action pane in an open state may not always be available, depending on the layout of the form and the version of Dynamics 365 you're using. However, there are a few things you can try to see if you can find the option.
One option is to look for a small pin icon next to the collapse arrow that you used to collapse the Action pane. This icon may be hidden until you hover your mouse over it, so try hovering your mouse over the area where the arrow was and see if the pin icon appears.
Another option is to right-click on the title bar of the Action pane (the bar at the top of the pane that contains the title and collapse arrow) and see if there's an option to pin the pane in an open state. This option may be labeled as 'Pin' or 'Keep open' depending on the version of Dynamics 365 you're using.
If neither of these options work, it's possible that there's a bug in the software or that the option to pin the pane in an open state has been removed from this particular form. In this case, you may want to reach out to your DynamicsSmartz for further assistance.