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Why can End Time not be before Estimated Arrival Time?

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When a try to complete a bookable resource booking with end time before estimated arrival time, I get a warning?

Should it not be possible to complete a bookable Resource booking before the Estimated Arrival Time?

As I have a use case, were we would like to have the original estimated arrival time, and the resource will make the timestamps for the actual arrival time and end time. 

  • Ali Khan Profile Picture
    Ali Khan 1,380 on at
    RE: Why can End Time not be before Estimated Arrival Time?

    Couldn't find this in Ideas portal, so have submitted an idea, please vote :

  • Suggested answer
    Thomas David Dayman Profile Picture
    Thomas David Dayman 11,323 on at
    RE: Why can End Time not be before Estimated Arrival Time?

    We have had a similar issue in the past.

    We got around it by creating a custom EAT field which is entered manually just for reporting purposes. Which left the standard EAT field to be driven by the system and read only.

  • RE: Why can End Time not be before Estimated Arrival Time?

    We follow the process of changing to Scheduled, Traveling, In Progress, Completed.

    However, the issue occurs when a booking is completed before the estimated arrival time.

    And as Alexander Heinze mentions, we want to keep the estimated arrival time for reporting. However this is not possible as I am forced to update EAT to be before completing.

  • Al Iggs Profile Picture
    Al Iggs on at
    RE: Why can End Time not be before Estimated Arrival Time?

    Hi Scott, I tried to reproduce this myself, and yes, there could be cases where for example a tech has an ETA of 11:00, a previous job finishes early, he gets onsite and fixes the problem at 10:55. So if for some reason Iseni wants to keep the original ETA for reporting purposes, this is indeed not possible b/c of a hard-coded rule.

  • Suggested answer
    Fannie30 Profile Picture
    Fannie30 2,990 on at
    RE: Why can End Time not be before Estimated Arrival Time?

    How are you trying to update the booking?  I find this occurs when you try to circumvent the booking process of Scheduled, Traveling, In Progress, Completed.  Please let me know how you're updating and we can go from there.

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