Hi Siva,
> I have to add all the fields required for subscribing newsletter to Contact entity to use with marketing form. is that right?
Yes, we should add required fields to marketing form.(By default, only email and lastname is required.)
In most of situation, contact is the target to receive marketing email. In other word, Contact is the fundamental entity in Dynamics 365 for Marketing.
To create a custom entity record from form submission, a workaround is that triggering a workflow after form submission to create a custom entity record at same, then delete the contact/lead within workflow step.
> Second requirement:
Not sure whether it would be a bug.
From last week, marketing form only remember users if they don't close their browser, which shall not be the expected behavior.
On today, with latest form-loader version(1.63.1039.0), I found marketing form has been able to remember users even if we close browser then open it again.
You could follow steps below to enable the feature and test whether it could work for you.
1. In a marketing form, add prefilling to both form level(in Summary tab) and field level(in form designer tool).
2. User fills the form with information and check the "Remember me" option.
3. User will be remembered by marketing form.
According to test of today, I have closed and re-opened browser for several times, the form was populated in each time I opened it.

From documentation, the "remember me" feature remains active for two years.
(User should not submit form in private mode and always use same browser.)
Another solution:
1. Create a dynamic segment, it will traverse contacts who submitted a specific marketing form.
2. Create a marketing email, it contains a subscription center form for recipient to manager their information/subscription later.
3. Create a customer journey to send segment members with marketing email.
Users are able to manage their information/subscription via the link in marketing email without sign in.